Free Guide: 10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Raw Milk Farmer
Life is so fast paced these days, constantly racing the kids from one event to the next. Then at the end of the day, at the peak of exhaustion, we’re faced with “What’s for dinner?”. All day long we pass articles in our news feed about food recalls and the dangers of today’s processed foods. How on earth can these “perfect” food blog moms claim to get healthy, real food into their kids every night? They must spend all day shopping at different markets for real food and the rest of it in the kitchen, right?
With our youngest daughter being medically fragile, keeping her healthy is always a top priority. The key to keeping her healthy is to also keep the rest of our family healthy. Real food has played a huge role in this. Ten years ago we were eating a ton of fast food and pizza, boxed this and store bought that and the kids were constantly struggling with colds, flu's, pneumonia, and eczema. Over the years we’ve learned that having a freezer stocked with nourishing meats helps simplify the real food journey, it makes serving healthy food every day possible and improves our health.
Several years ago, after our youngest daughter was born with a rare genetic syndrome we realized our desire to “get back to our roots” and raise our children in the enriching atmosphere a farm provides. We believe that happy, well cared for animals raised on pasture, fresh air, and sunshine create the healthiest food. That’s why our farm revolves around those practices. We are honored to share with your family our Grass Fed Raw Milk & Beef, Pastured Pork & Chicken, and Free Range Eggs.
Let us help you on your real food journey and the path to your families wellness. Click Here to stock your freezer. Not ready for a big bulk purchase, no worries! Click Here to see what we have in stock in the farm store and check out our hours. Stop by today and get the foundation to this weeks nourishing meals!
We can’t wait to meet you!
Brent and Jenny Skelonc
Free Guide: 10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Raw Milk Farmer